A popular hedge plant, the Taxus Baccata

The Taxus Baccata is a popular hedge plant. It is an evergreen coniferous tree that is native to western, central and southern Europe, northwest Africa and southwest Asia.

The Taxus Baccata is a popular choice for hedges because it is easy to grow and maintain. It is also tolerant of most soil types and can tolerate some shade. However, the tree prefers full sun and well-drained soil.

How to plant the Taxus Baccata

Planting the Taxus Baccata takes careful soil preparation and site selection since bad growing conditions will result in a weak and unattractive hedge. When the hedge is planten in good conditions, the can quickly establish and reach a mature height between 762 cm and 1219 cm.

  • Choose a suitable planting site
  • The spreading roots may damage any walkways or foundations, so position the plant at least 1 meter away from these structures.
  • Test the pH of the soil. If the pH is more than 7.5 amend the soil using mildly acidic compost. If the pH is lower than 6, apply neutral compost.
  • Dig a trench twice the width and 1 of 2 cm deeper as the height of the clod. The bottom of the trench should be level and sides straight.
  • Next, place the plant in the trench and fill back the amended soil around the roots. Hold the plant upright as you backfill to prevent it from leaning.
  • When planted, water the hedge plant generously until the soil feels moist. Keep this up for the coming months.
  • Spread a thin layer of moist around the base to prevent weed growth.

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